Learning Hymns

Our favorite hymns of the church sung a cappella, soprano-only for learning of the melodies. Hymn numbering and score used are from Hymns of the Church, hymnsofthechurch.com.

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390 Blessed Assurance

Monday Mar 16, 2020

Monday Mar 16, 2020

"Blessed Assurance" is another beautiful hymn by dear Fanny Crosby.One day, Fanny was visiting her friend Phoebe Knapp. Sitting at the piano, Phoebe began playing a tune she had recently written. She then asked Fanny, "What does this tune say?"Fanny knelt in prayer for a few minutes; then rising, she said, "It saysBlessed assurance, Jesus is mine!O what a foretaste...”

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020

Issac Watts wrote "I Sing the Mighty Power of God" for children, saying "I have endeavoured to sink the language to the level of a child's understanding and yet to keep it, if possible, above contempt, so I have designed to profit all, if possible, and offend none."
Let us, as we sing, be reminded afresh of the wisdom and power of our Creator as is shown us in His creation!
(sung in the key of G)

155 Great is Thy Faithfulness

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Our God is a faithful God!

107 Immortal, Invisible, God

Sunday Feb 23, 2020

Sunday Feb 23, 2020

1 Timothy 1: 17, "Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." NKJV
This beautiful hymn reminds us mortal beings of the immortal one Who created us for His glory! While we blossom and quickly wither as leaves do, our Father is always unchanging; in Him we can find safety and life, forever!
(sung in the key of F)

83 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020

A joyful hymn of praise sung to a melody arranged from Beethoven's famous Ode to Joy.

76 To God Be the Glory

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020

A beautiful hymn by Fanny Crosby, a young lady who lost her sight at a very young age, but overcame her handicap to become one of the most prolific hymn-writers of our time.

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